
"Every good and perfect gift is from above." 

 James 1:17

The History of the Scholarship

 In September 2010, a group of friends, relatives, and family members came together to form the Heather Burns Memorial Scholarship Fund (HBMSF).  Loved by many and seen as a positive role model, people in the community wanted to do something in memory of Heather's extraordinary life. The fund honors Heather’s love of God, Christian principles, stewardship, and testimonial for higher education; while acknowledging and celebrating the faith, commitment, belief, and determination she used to achieve her educational goals. Heather embodied the fruits of the spirit:


"love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness,

goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance"

(Galatians 5:22 & 23).


Jesus warns us not to wait for more, but to discover what we can do with what we already have… "even a little goes a long way".  Heather’s prayer was for Jesus to help her grow more in faith by using the little she already had. 


Who We Serve


The Heather Burns Memorial Scholarship Fund was created to serve students diagnosed with Sickle Cell Anemia Disease (individuals with Sickle Cell traits are not eligible), students with life threatening diseases, and students with special needs and financial hardships. 


What We Provide 


A 501(c)(3) nonprofit scholarship program, the HBMSF awards several scholarships annually, providing financial assistance to eligible students seeking to further their education.